The Knowledge Emperor

Related to the word abstain abstentious can characterize someone who doesnt indulge in excesses. The longest word in English language refers to sciences such as chemistry or medicine because these spheres of knowledge operate complicated nouns that are coined from several words to describe one phenomenon.

14 Of The Longest Words In English Grammarly Blog

Despite being in the dictionary the word was originally made up by the president of the National Puzzlers.

Longest word in english dictionary. Given an array of strings words representing an English Dictionary return the longest word in words that can be built one character at a time by other words in words. Definition - an abnormal desire to pull out ones hair. What is the Longest Word in the Collins English Dictionary.

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word to be recognized by major english speaking dictionaries. 13 of the Longest Words in the English Language. It holds two Guinness World Records.

It is often referred to as an invented word which may be a bit confusing since all words. BUT WHAT WILL IT BE. 8 Euouae is six letters long but all of the letters are vowels.

Dichlorodifluoromethane a 23-letter-long term is one of such words as it is a chemistry term. This 11-letter word abstentious is considered the longest word that features the vowels in alphabetic order exactly A-E-I-O-U. The longest word in English according to the Oxford English Dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - a chronic lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine silicate or quartz dust.

Pw petewentz June 7 2009 Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is apparently the longest word in. Trichotillomania comes from combining roots from New Latin trich meaning hair and mania and Greek tillein meaning to pull pluck. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious made famous by Mary Poppins is 34.

Its the longest English word composed exclusively of vowels and it. It has 31 letters. The longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis at 45 letters long.

According to the OED this synonym for silicosis was coined in the 1930s as a. Were the word champs. The word appears to have come about at the suggestion of a French doctor at the end of the 19th century.

The longest word listed in Collins English Dictionary is dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane which is the full name of the chemical DDT. Longest Word in Dictionary. Weighing in at a hefty 19 syllables and 45 letters pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is often referred to as the longest word in the English language on the basis that it is the longest word found in the largest dictionary the 20-volume Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary.

ENGLISH IS ABOUT TO GAIN ITS MILLIONTH WORD. However it won only in the category of the longest words in common usage 9. English is an odd and unique language.

Longest Word in Dictionary - LeetCode. The longest word in the dictionary Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in any major English dictionary. 13 of the Longest Words in the English Language.

We write we can be right and we perform a rite But even more interesting than the inconsistencies. It is also one of the longest monosyllabic words of the English language. Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary.

Its a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis. The longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary is 45 letters long.